
Friday, April 25, 2014

Baby Must Haves Part 1- The First 2 Months

Liam is nearly 2 months old! Time will not slow down, and I'm slowly creeping toward the end of my maternity leave. I need a pause button. I want to stay home with my boy forever! I can't imagine not spending all day cuddling with him, and I know going back to the office is going to be so difficult. It's amazing how these little people grab ahold of your heart. :)

When Liam first arrived, we didn't have too many products for him. We accumulated most of it after we got to know him and see what he was like. So, without further adieu, here's our favorite from the first two months!
Baby Must Haves

1. The first product I ordered for Liam was the Rock N Play. This has been a LIFESAVER for us. When we got home from the hospital, Liam would not let us put him down. He hated any sort of bassinet. I spent every night for the first week holding him. In the hospital, I was up for nearly 60 hours straight because of the sign that said, "Do not fall asleep with baby in your arms." It was miserable being that sleep deprived after just giving birth, but I was desperate to keep him in the room with me at all times. It sounds silly now, but I had just spent 9 months with that boy growing inside me, and I didn't want anyone to take him away. :) I opened my iPad during one of the late nights, and ordered that rock n play that I heard so much about. When it came in, I cautiously set him down, expecting the normal screams, but he LOVED it. He fell right asleep and was content as can be. He later developed reflux, and this has been tremendous with that as well. It keeps him at the perfect angle to prevent his food from coming back up. You have to be cautious with the rock n play due to flat spots, but we haven't had any trouble with it. I definitely recommend the Snuggapuppy since it has so much extra padding. It's much softer for the baby and helps to cushion the head.

2. The Wubbanub is awesome! Liam loves his paci, but I spent half the night putting it back inside his mouth. Literally it was a cycle of "spit out, scream, repeat" for hours. I was pretty close to velcro-ing that thing around his head. ;)  When I found this gem, the angels started singing. He can hold it to help put it back in his mouth, and it lays on his chest to keep it inside. It comes in lots of cute animals, and we have two to make sure there is one around at all times.

3. The baby swing. I spent a ton of gift card money on the fancy Mamaroo. It's pretty awesome, and the settings were great! Once in a while, Liam will be okay with sitting in it, but usually only about 20 minutes or so. I have a feeling he will like it more as he gets older. This past weekend at my mother-in-laws house I put Liam in her cheap swing... and he loved it a million times more. Ha! Her swing folds up really small for travel. It puts him to sleep almost every time, and when he's awake he coos and smiles. We ended up borrowing it from her to use, and I love how compact it is. It's called the fisher price take along swing, and It has the cutest woodlands print. Here's to hoping that he will eventually love his mamaroo! haha!

4. I finally bought a play mat this past weekend. While he usually hated laying on the floor, he loves it now! I am not a big fan of the colors on normal baby product, but this one by skip hop is adorable! I love the pretty theme, and it was a pretty decent price. He spent an hour the other day smiling at himself and "talking" to the animals. So fun!

5. Aden and Anais swaddle blankets are one of those "hyped up" items in the baby world. They totally live up to the excitement! You have to be sure to get the biggest size they have, but they are totally worth it. I love the "Liam the Brave" print for my little Liam! They are so soft, and I can use them as a nursing cover, stroller, cover, floor mat, blanket, or security blanket when he gets older. They are so breathable so I don't have to worry constantly about him suffocating. Plus, this momma who couldn't swaddle worth anything, can now do it like a pro! These are huge and so easy to wrap him up in! They are on sale for $34.99 on amazon right now which is a GREAT price for these!

6. Nursing tanks are what I live in. I love the Gilligan & O'Malley Target brand! They are super comfy, and so convenient. I've found a couple in their clearance section, and I wear them every single day.

7. Bamboobies overnight nursing pads. Get them. They are reusable, and great for the night time. I like disposables for the day, but these provide so much more protection during the night! They are super soft for the days when you are sore and disposables feel uncomfortable.

8. The halo sleep/swaddle sack is great! It's so easy to use and I love that you can keep their arms in or out. We were lucky to get a free one from our hospital, and I plan on buying the next size up. It helps to calm him down when nothing else does, and I love that it zips open from the bottom for a quick diaper change.

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