
Monday, September 22, 2014

Bad Blogger=Life Changes

I'm a bad blogger. I go weeks and months without updating, only to realize I still have so much I need to record and to say! These past few months have been an absolute whirlwind. It's been one giant blur in my mind as so much has happened!

Liam is now SIX months old. Holy cow! When did this happen? He is growing up so fast! Within 2 weeks, he learned how to crawl, started to sit up by himself, and got his first two teeth. What? He is definitely not obeying my "don't grow up" rule. He is trying so hard to walk, and gets the biggest smile on his face every time he stands up (holding our fingers of course.) I'm constantly amazed at my little person. I really get to keep him? I recently read a quote that said something along the lines of cherishing every last moment because one time you'll pick your baby up and it will be the last time you get to do that. That hit home big time for me. He's growing so fast, and there will come a day where he no longer snuggles with his head on my chest when he gets sleepy. I love that boy to the moon and back. He has quickly stolen my entire heart.

At the beginning of August, I decided to quit my job. It's definitely been a month of big decisions for me! I was driving to work sometimes 3 hours each way with traffic, and was only getting 2 hours of Liam's awake time in at night. It was breaking my heart. I felt like I was missing everything. Financially, we knew it was going to be incredibly difficult. My husband teaches at a Christian school, and while he LOVES being involved in a ministry, it isn't the biggest money maker in the world. We still have our mortgage to pay, bills to take care of, and a family to feed. I submitted my 2 weeks notice and decided to trust God with the bills. The day my boss got the letter, she brought it to HR and they immediately offered a full-time work from home position to me! It was way more than I ever prayed for or desired. I am SO thankful! Now, I get to spend time with my baby AND help provide for our little family on the money side of things. It's definitely overwhelming at times, but all the extra work is so worth it to see my baby boy experiencing all his firsts!

We completed a few more house projects- painted my grandma's old hutch white to match our decor, and our table set from my Aunt! I LOVE the way they turned out, and it was pretty easy. For free furniture, I sure am in love with it.

I've fallen in love with gold spray paint. Rustoleum Metallic Gold is my absolutely FAVORITE right now. It's a quick way to update vases, outdated decor, and even plastic candy containers you get at Christmas!

And with that, I'll leave you with this. Hysterical. Poor Liam!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Our First Home Updates

As many of you know, the hubby and I bought our first home when I was right about to pop. If you're thinking about moving while pregnant, I totally recommend it. ;) You get out of the hard work and get to sit back while bossing people around. The best! HA!

Now that Liam is 4 months old (when did that happen!??) we finally have started the 500 projects to make the house a home. The first order of business? Paint. The entire downstairs was painted Benjamin Moore's Rockport Gray (mixed in Superpaint by Sherwin Williams.) The former owners were a bit color happy. Literally... you could see 8 different colors from the kitchen and none of them complemented each other. It's SO nice to walk into a neutral greige tone. We can accent each room any way we like, but still have a consistency to the downstairs.

After that big painting project, we were anxious to start something new. On our subdivisions facebook page, someone posted that they had a free dresser at the end of their driveway. When we got there to see it, I was pretty determined that the old thing wasn't going to make it in my house. Seriously. It wasn't very pretty. The more I looked at it (and the more my hubs prodded that we could always use an extra dresser) I became inspired. We were a pretty desperate need of a TV stand before the baby starts getting mobile. Every single one I saw at a high enough height was way out of our price range. Every time I found a "perfect" option, we were looking at around $400-500. Staring at that huge dresser, I vaguely remembered seeing pictures of people turning them into media stands. I excitedly told my husband my plans and he was anxious to get started. So we did it. In one night, we converted a dresser to a TV stand. Whaaat? We aren't handy people. At all. I'm literally in shock that we made this work. I will be doing a post soon on how to do this yourself. If we can do it, I'm positive you can too.

And now, I leave you with a few pictures of my precious boy. :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Maternity Leave and Liam's 2nd Month.

My boys! :) Liam is getting so big!

Maternity Leave- A Time Too Short

I've officially been back to work for a week. A whole week spending hours away from my boy. Can I admit something? It's hard. Much harder than I could have imagined, and much harder that I ever anticipated. I had always planned on going back to work after maternity leave. It seemed like the only option financially, and I love being able to contribute to my families finances. Now, I am admittedly not sure about that decision. I am with my little one only 15-20% of his waking hours. Crazy, right? I thought I could do it all... full time work and be an excellent momma when I am home; however, I'm quickly realizing that my little family is getting my leftovers. I put a lot of time and energy into my job. I strive to do my best with the multiple projects I handle. By the time I get home, I'm exhausted. I have to make dinner, nurse the baby, and try to spend as much time with him as possible before his bedtime. Then I am trying like crazy to shower and get ready for the next work day, catch up on housework, do laundry, and be a good wife to my sweet hubby. So many women do this every day, and I have to say... I'm impressed. I know for a fact that I struggle to juggle (haha rhyme!) it all. It makes me sad that what my son and husband get at the end of the day is the exhausted version of me. I wish I could give them more! 

Liam's Updates 

Liam is getting so big lately! He's officially 3 months old! I realized I forgot to put up his Month 2 photo, so here it is! He started "talking" to us this month with the cutest little baby babble. I love hearing his coos and seeing that goofy grin of his! He is a very active little guy, and loves playing on his playmat... mostly to look at himself in the attached mirror. The boy thinks his reflection is pretty awesome. ;) Ha! 

The New House

I am so thankful for our home! We have definitely been blessed. I had HUGE plans during maternity leave to get a ton of projects done around the house, buuuuut let's just say I got a little distracted by the super cute baby in my arms, and accomplished a big fat nothing on my list. ;) I don't regret it a single bit. I loved soaking up every single moment with my little! My mom came to stay with me a week ago, and tore up the whole front garden to start a new one. She is AMAZING. The house was a foreclosure, so it was just a mess of overgrown weeds. There was nothing attractive about it. Now I finally can look at it without wincing. ;) 

Sherwin Williams had their paints 40% off recently, so we bought a five-gallon bucket to paint the entire downstairs. So excited! I had them color match Benjamin Moore's Rockport Gray. It's an AWESOME greige color that looks great with pretty much everything. Now I'm just waiting for the time to actually put that paint on the walls. Ha! The previous owners definitely liked color... from the kitchen, you can see over 6 different colors on the walls. Ai yi yi! Needless to say, I'll be a little more comfortable once the new paint goes up. 

I am very thankful for this life. As difficult as it is balancing everything, God is so good to us. We are blessed. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Baby Must Haves Part 1- The First 2 Months

Liam is nearly 2 months old! Time will not slow down, and I'm slowly creeping toward the end of my maternity leave. I need a pause button. I want to stay home with my boy forever! I can't imagine not spending all day cuddling with him, and I know going back to the office is going to be so difficult. It's amazing how these little people grab ahold of your heart. :)

When Liam first arrived, we didn't have too many products for him. We accumulated most of it after we got to know him and see what he was like. So, without further adieu, here's our favorite from the first two months!
Baby Must Haves

1. The first product I ordered for Liam was the Rock N Play. This has been a LIFESAVER for us. When we got home from the hospital, Liam would not let us put him down. He hated any sort of bassinet. I spent every night for the first week holding him. In the hospital, I was up for nearly 60 hours straight because of the sign that said, "Do not fall asleep with baby in your arms." It was miserable being that sleep deprived after just giving birth, but I was desperate to keep him in the room with me at all times. It sounds silly now, but I had just spent 9 months with that boy growing inside me, and I didn't want anyone to take him away. :) I opened my iPad during one of the late nights, and ordered that rock n play that I heard so much about. When it came in, I cautiously set him down, expecting the normal screams, but he LOVED it. He fell right asleep and was content as can be. He later developed reflux, and this has been tremendous with that as well. It keeps him at the perfect angle to prevent his food from coming back up. You have to be cautious with the rock n play due to flat spots, but we haven't had any trouble with it. I definitely recommend the Snuggapuppy since it has so much extra padding. It's much softer for the baby and helps to cushion the head.

2. The Wubbanub is awesome! Liam loves his paci, but I spent half the night putting it back inside his mouth. Literally it was a cycle of "spit out, scream, repeat" for hours. I was pretty close to velcro-ing that thing around his head. ;)  When I found this gem, the angels started singing. He can hold it to help put it back in his mouth, and it lays on his chest to keep it inside. It comes in lots of cute animals, and we have two to make sure there is one around at all times.

3. The baby swing. I spent a ton of gift card money on the fancy Mamaroo. It's pretty awesome, and the settings were great! Once in a while, Liam will be okay with sitting in it, but usually only about 20 minutes or so. I have a feeling he will like it more as he gets older. This past weekend at my mother-in-laws house I put Liam in her cheap swing... and he loved it a million times more. Ha! Her swing folds up really small for travel. It puts him to sleep almost every time, and when he's awake he coos and smiles. We ended up borrowing it from her to use, and I love how compact it is. It's called the fisher price take along swing, and It has the cutest woodlands print. Here's to hoping that he will eventually love his mamaroo! haha!

4. I finally bought a play mat this past weekend. While he usually hated laying on the floor, he loves it now! I am not a big fan of the colors on normal baby product, but this one by skip hop is adorable! I love the pretty theme, and it was a pretty decent price. He spent an hour the other day smiling at himself and "talking" to the animals. So fun!

5. Aden and Anais swaddle blankets are one of those "hyped up" items in the baby world. They totally live up to the excitement! You have to be sure to get the biggest size they have, but they are totally worth it. I love the "Liam the Brave" print for my little Liam! They are so soft, and I can use them as a nursing cover, stroller, cover, floor mat, blanket, or security blanket when he gets older. They are so breathable so I don't have to worry constantly about him suffocating. Plus, this momma who couldn't swaddle worth anything, can now do it like a pro! These are huge and so easy to wrap him up in! They are on sale for $34.99 on amazon right now which is a GREAT price for these!

6. Nursing tanks are what I live in. I love the Gilligan & O'Malley Target brand! They are super comfy, and so convenient. I've found a couple in their clearance section, and I wear them every single day.

7. Bamboobies overnight nursing pads. Get them. They are reusable, and great for the night time. I like disposables for the day, but these provide so much more protection during the night! They are super soft for the days when you are sore and disposables feel uncomfortable.

8. The halo sleep/swaddle sack is great! It's so easy to use and I love that you can keep their arms in or out. We were lucky to get a free one from our hospital, and I plan on buying the next size up. It helps to calm him down when nothing else does, and I love that it zips open from the bottom for a quick diaper change.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Consciously Self Conscious

Having a baby is a magical thing. The thought of growing a person is incredible. It knocks my socks off every time I look at my baby boy and think, "I MADE that! He grew inside of me!" My body did something so amazing and I'm so blessed that I was able to do something that many people don't get to do. I can't fathom how someone so wonderful could come from me. I. Am. In. Love. My baby boy has captured my heart. 

Unfortunately, there's some non-magical side effects to growing a human. My body was completely ripped to shreds. The stretch marks are horrific. Every time I look in the mirror, I see a completely unattractive person. My stomach is stretched and marked to endless amounts; my skin is loose from where the little boy that I now hold in my arms was once in my stomach; my chest is now graced with dark purple marks from the rapid growth to provide nurishment for my sweet child; my thighs and hips are not without damage as well, as I notice every day as I try to squeeze into my old "fat jeans." 

It's tough. It really is. I've shed countless tears in the bathroom mirror (admittedly wasted moments that I should be spent snuggling my little miracle) as I take in this new person that reflects back at me. I've rushed to cover myself as I heard my husband turning the handle to get something as I get dressed so he wouldn't see me, while deseperately hoping he didn't catch a glance of my striped stomach. I even went as far as wearing only nursing tanks, so I wouldn't have to lift up a shirt to nurse my baby and have anyone see my scarred body. 

I am consciously self conscious. 

But, I would never EVER trade a single one of these marks for my baby boy. Every single one provides evidence that I was able to bring a miraculous little person into this world. My body, by God's grace, was home to the sweetest, most cuddly baby in my world. And for that, I am thankful. For that, I am blessed. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Liam- 1 Month!

My little boy is 6 weeks old today! I can't believe how fast time is going. I am madly in love with this child. I love watching him learn and discover. He develops new facial expressions every day that crack us up. He surprised us by rolling over from his tummy to his back multiple times. He took quite a bit of time to regain his birth weight, and is a tiny little fella'! He has held his head up by himself since birth, and loves to look around. Kiddo has the longest fingers I have ever seen on a baby! He has absolutely stolen my heart. I love you, Liam Scott! 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Liam Scott is HERE! :)

Friday, February 28th started out fairly normal. I had a doctors appointment, so took the day off of work. Earlier that morning I had lost the "plug" and thought labor would be at least coming soon. When I got to my appt, I was still at 3cm dilated, so quickly passed off the idea of labor happening that day. I was having my usual "braxton hicks" so didn't think too much of them. I spent some time at my husband's school, and even went to a pizza buffet with friends for dinner! We spent the whole evening with our close friends Ben and Brittany putting together the baby's dresser/changing table from Ikea.
By the time I was in bed, the contractions were pretty intense. I stayed up the whole night running back and forth to the bathroom to throw up, and laying on the floor in pain. I still wasn't convinced it was labor. In fact, I didn't even bother waking up my husband! Around 9am the next morning, Joe noticed I was in pretty severe pain, and asked if I had timed them. I hadn't even bothered trying. Ha! He started to time them for me and noticed they were 4 minutes apart. He suggested we go to the hospital, but I quickly shot that idea down. After more convincing (and some major hinting with him packing up the car) I reluctantly agreed that we could go "later." I proceeded to do my hair and make up (because if you're going into labor, that clearly should be your first priority!) and packed up some remaining items. Every time a contraction would hit, Joe would have to put hard pressure on my back to help counter the pain. The hour car ride to the hospital was terrible! I never took a birthing class, so had no idea how to breathe through the pain. I ended up having all back labor, and it was intense!
My doctor had always told me to go to the ER and they would take me up to labor and delivery. When I got there, the lady ushered us away saying that we needed to go to a different entrance. Nothing better than being on a goose chase while in labor! ;) Joe found the entrance but there was no where to park to help me in. I decided to just go myself, and try to find where I needed to be. I aimlessly wandered to the elevators and found the floor. Naturally, there was a line at the check in desk since they had tours that day. I, being the crazy person I am, decided to be a good person and wait my turn. Contractions were about every 2 minutes apart at that point, and I was huddled over with every one. A guy noticed, and asked if I was alright. I just casually said "I think I'm in labor..." and he offered to let me cut them in line. I said no. HA! Apparently I follow all rules, even while in pain. By the time it was my turn, Joe had parked the car and found the floor as well. The lady behind the desk said "how can I help you?" and I told her I thought I "might" be in labor. She handed me a pile of paperwork to fill out (oh the joys!) and asked if I wanted to take a seat. After what seemed like an eternity, they took me back to a triage room to see if I was, in fact, in labor. The nurse there was the sweetest. She taught me how to breathe, was incredibly patient with me, and would make sure everything was quiet and calm during the contractions. In between, she started hooking me up to machines to monitor. My contractions were off the charts! She decided to check the dilation, and immediately left to get another nurse to confirm. I was already at a 7! They had a room ready right away and started to wheel me there. I felt so nauseous, so told her I might get sick. They handed me the tiniest crescent shaped bowl to throw up into. Thaaaanks! The nurse would stop wheeling me during every contraction. During one of the stops, a giant tour group walked by. Fantastic. I was a added asset to the tour. "Here's an actual labor!" People were gawking. Literally. There were some people peeking their heads out even after they got into the room they were headed to. So funny!
Immediately when I got into my delivery room, I started getting sick. Poor Joe was holding the polly-pocket sized bowl while I threw up everywhere. He ran to the bathroom to empty it between. If you know my husband, this is incredible. He isn't one for bodily functions. Ha! In fact, he had always said he probably wouldn't even be in the room during my labor! He was outstanding.
My mom, sister, dad, and two best friends arrived shortly after we got there. It was SO good to have that support system! Ironically there was a Disney movie marathon playing on the TV. I tried concentrating on that to take my mind of the pain, buuuut it didn't work so well. My doctor is known for attending all of her patient's labors. Naturally, she was gone for mine. ha! :) Instead a man walked into the room telling me he was my doctor for the day. I was SO mortified. I chose my doctor because I was uncomfortable with a male. Thankfully, he was amazing and made sure it wasn't awkward at all. Then, a male student walked in and asked in the most measly voice, "Can I please watch your labor?" ... Yeah. At that point all pride went out the window. I was willing to let the president watch if he wanted. Hey, they could even broadcast it on the 6 o'clock news!
I was always told I couldn't get an epidural with my scoliosis. A HUGE moment happened when the anesthesiologist on duty specialized in scoliosis! He offered to try it, to help with the pain. I was willing to try anything! I was too far into it to have any pain meds, and it was the last chance for an epi. The epi worked like a dream! That is, for about 30 minutes... Then labor pains came back full swing. I was shaking out of control. The back pain was so bad that I was begging for another try at the epi. They brought him back, but I was so close to labor that he couldn't do anything else for me. At the end of every contraction, I couldn't stop pushing. The doctors had all left the room, and my mom noticed. I begged her not to tell them, but she ran to find someone. Sure enough, I was dilated to a 10 and ready to go. Panic set in. I had no idea what to do. A big light came down from the ceiling, and everyone was all up and personal. The doctor told me that pushing for first time moms usually takes around 3 hours. What. No. That wasn't going to be okay.
Pushing hurt. Bad. I felt like I was going to pass out, and was yelling that it hurt. Some nurse that wasn't helping with anything and was typing on her computer the whole time came over and said "You need to CALM DOWN." Oh goodness. I think if my legs weren't being held into place I would have used them to kick her. Greeeeat things to say to a woman in labor! ;) Needless to say, I didn't calm down.
In between the pushes the whole staff would turn around to watch the Disney movie playing behind them... ironically it was Peter Pan! Our son's nursery theme!
My mom and hubby were incredible. Both were so supportive during all the pushes, and tried to make me comfortable. Joe even watched the entire thing.
It was pretty discouraging to finally start to push the head out and then give up in the middle of the push. I could feel it get sucked back in! Haha! My poor child. First game of peek a boo?
Finally, after 31 minutes of pushing, he arrived! It was the biggest feeling of relief that I can even say. That moment where they lay that bundle on your chest is incredible. He was perfect in every way. I couldn't believe it! His daddy cut the cord and proudly held that baby. Everyone came into the room to see our sweet boy, and the doctors stitched me up. Actually, they let the student stitch me up... ai yi yi! :) So thankful that he is HERE!
Liam Scott was born at 4:31 pm on March 1st, and was 7lbs 13oz and 20.5 inches long. He is the light of our lives!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Neverland Nursery- Coming Together

Wow- 38 weeks! I can't believe our little prince is almost here. Things seem to be progressing very quickly. According to my doctor, it could be any day now. With these contractions, I'm definitely agreeing with her. :) I'm getting a little more excited as the day approaches. I am definitely nervous, but so ready to not carry around a basketball in my stomach. It will be nice to be able to flip over at night without feeling like I just ran a marathon. 

Now that we are all moved into the new house, the nursery is SLOWLY coming together. We still don't have much in there, but we should have all the pieces by this weekend. I'm putting together a Peter Pan/Neverland nursery theme. I wanted it to have that Peter Pan feel, but very subtly. It is really hard to do! Everything for Peter Pan seems to be very cartoon-ish. I decided to keep the colors as navy blue, gray, red, and small touches of Peter Pan green. Yesterday I arrived home to see that incredible rocking chair in the picture below in my driveway. Such an incredible surprise from my Dad! My Mom completed a HUGE task for us by painting the formerly electric blue room to a soothing gray shade. She is amazing! The gray walls gave us a great background to add pops of color to. I love the look of the Harper Crib bedding in navy blue from Pottery Barn. Unfortunately it comes with a high price tag. I was scouring the PB outlet (amazing place if you haven't been!) and stumbled upon the Harper bumper in red for 1/4 of the price. I was desperately wishing for the other pieces in navy, but could not justify spending the money. A few weeks went by and finally a great dupe of the bedding came to Babies R' Us! We put it on our registry, and my sweet aunt got it for us. It definitely is going to pull the room together. I also decided to get a dresser that would double as a changing table instead of having the two separate. The Ikea Hemnes dresser is fabulous! It has the perfect amount of space without completely breaking the bank. We are going this weekend to Ikea to pick one up. :) I love the idea of using silhouettes instead of movie stills for the room. It gives the room a much more elegant feel. Navy striped curtains will help break up the gray wall and add a fun punch to the room. 

Chair- Target
Dresser- Ikea Hemnes
Rug- Target
Peter Pan Doll- Disney Store

Watching my husband put together the rocking chair tonight was definitely surreal. I can't believe we are going to be parents. I know he is going to be an incredibly daddy to our little boy!

I will try to post pictures when the room comes together. I am so excited to see how it will turn out!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Recent Loves & We're All Moved In! :)

Wow! What a busy few weeks it has been. We are FINALLY moved into our new place! I was walking around the house today while my husband had some friends over, and I was literally brought to tears with how blessed we are. This house is incredible. I love it, and I'm so thankful God chose this for us! While we will probably be living out of boxes for a little while, I'm so grateful to finally start nesting. I finally have my own place! There's so many possibilities here. I can't wait to paint the walls, get some furniture, and start making it our own. The next few weeks are going to be insanely busy. We have a baby shower every weekend for the next three weekends. I can't wait! I'm finally at the 35 week mark, so it will be exciting to start putting these gifts into our little boy's room. It's overwhelming to think he will be here in about a month! I just hope we can get the house in a semi-organized condition by the time he arrives. :) 

Thanks to Christmas/Birthday gift cards and TJ Maxx, I've made some pretty great purchases lately, and I've been excited to share them on here! 

Recent Loves

1. I FINALLY purchased the iPad Air I've been saving for! I saved all my Christmas and birthday money for this, and I was so excited to finally get it. It's been so great! I love bringing it to work and keeping it in my purse. It's awesome for watching movies, and the battery life is fabulous! 

2. Sonia Kashuk Chic Luminosity Highlighter Stick in Sparkling Sands: This stuff. If you don't have it yet, run to Target right now and grab it. You will NOT be disappointed. I had heard that it was a great dupe for Benefit's Watts Up (which I love!) so I gave it a try. It's only $10.99 and HUGE for the price. It gives the most natural glow and the perfect highlight. I can't say enough good about this stuff! 

3. Jonathan Adler glasses from TJ Maxx- Oh my goodness. At $2.99, I couldn't pass these up! There were only two in my store, so I am going to keep a look out for more. They are super cute and just the most fun shade of hot pink! I've been really lucky at TJ's lately. I even scored a giant Ralph Lauren purse (normally $248) for $49! It is giant and holds all my stuff, plus my iPad with plenty of room to spare. Such a great buy! 

I will be posting pictures this week of all of my plans for the new house. I think I've finally decided on a few of the paint colors, so will be sharing that soon! :) I'm excited to post all about this new journey! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

24 Before 25

I just celebrated my 24th birthday 2 weeks ago. I've been inspired after seeing similar posts to make a list of my own things to accomplish before the big 25 milestone. This is going to be a crazy year, and I can't wait to see what will happen. So, without further adieu: 

1. Move into our first home and make it beautiful. Decorate it. Love it. Make a million memories. 
2. Have my baby and be the best momma I can be.  (obviously going to be in progress always!)
3. Blog more
4. Be a better wife. Encourage my husband. Build him up.  (constantly working on this one!)
5. Be more thankful. I have so much, and I need to be less selfish. 
6. Lose the baby weight. Be active after he gets here. Don't make excuses. 
7. Have a party in our new home. Make it a place where everyone feels welcome. 
8. Learn to coupon. Be smart with our money. 
9. Read God's word more. Stop being lazy. 
10. Get organized and stay organized. 
11. Plan more creative dates at home. Learn to cook fun meals for my husband. 
12. Spend more time on others. Call family more. 
13. Spend more time "getting pretty." Do my hair. Look as good as I possibly can for my husband. 
14. Take more pictures. 
15. Write encouraging letters to friends and family throughout the year. Make their day. 
16. Paint all the furniture that I have been planning to paint for the last 2 years. 
17. Be more motivated and less lazy. Keep on top of things at work. 
18. Plan/go on a family vacation. 
19. Get an iPad. I've wanted one for years, and it might be time to take the plunge. (Well, that don't be selfish thing just went out the window. Ha!) 
20. Donate all those clothes that I pretend I'm going to wear again. 
21. Spend time with friends. I know it will be tempting to stay in all the time with a new baby. 
22. Document, to the best of my ability, all of our baby's firsts. 
23. Decorate a room of the house in pink and navy. 
24.  Accomplish 10 different projects off pinterest.