
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

18 Weeks= DONE! :)


Every week I'm absolutely shocked at how FAST this pregnancy is going. I'm one of the most impatient people in the world, so for it to be going this rapidly is incredible.

How Far Along? 18 weeks and 1 day!
Size of the Baby?  Bell Pepper
Maternity Clothes?
Not yet! Thankful for that, because they are crazy expensive!
Stretch Marks?  Nope! Crossing my fingers... and toes...
Gender?  We will know within the next week. I've never been so excited in my life.
Name?  I think we've settled on the first name for a boy or a girl.
Sleep? I've been sleeping through the night lately like a baby.
Cravings? My husband officially went on his first craving run this week. ;) I was in dire need of a baked potato and a frosty from Wendy's.
What I Miss?
Food... especially food that stays down.
Symptoms?  throwing up still and very sleepy
Movement?  I have been feeling super soft kicks. It is the most spectacular feeling ever. I even felt a little roll yesterday while in the car. :)
Belly Button?  In, but it looks weird. I feel like it will pop out by the end of this pregnancy. :(

Morning Sickness? Still pretty bad.  
Weight Gain? I will find out on Friday! I am guessing if I have, it won't be much since I'm still getting sick.
Best Moment? Feeling the first few tiny kicks. I am anxiously awaiting the day my hubby will be able to feel them too!

I still can't believe the gender scan will be done within a week! I'm in the middle of debating if I want to find out at the scan (my husband has to work) or wait until our gender reveal party the next week. Usually I would say yes right away to finding out at the party, but I'm also wanting to be able to see everything on the ultrasound. :) Choices, choices. 

This week I also opened up my first baby registry at Buy Buy Baby. That was overwhelming! It's amazing how much stuff there is out there for such little people. So, I would love your opinions on the must have baby items. Were you crazy about your Mamaroo? Was Sophie the Giraffe a necessity? What stroller did you love? 

 Have a wonderful week!  



  1. Goodness! I cannot believe you are already at 18 weeks! How exciting.

  2. 18 weeks already? Wow time is flying! You look great! Hopefully the morning sickness will pass soon and you can start to feel better.

    There is a ton of baby stuff out there. From my experience people will buy cute baby clothes and bypass the important practical stuff on your registry. Ask for gift cards too because you can get the remaining items you want from those.

