
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

She's Feelin' 21

My amazing, kindhearted, hilarious, beautiful little sister turned 21 today! TWENTY ONE. How on earth does that even happen? She's supposed to still be my little baby sister. In honor of this amazing day, I'm writing 21 things I love/just need to brag about Lindsey. Be sure to leave her some birthday love at the end! :)

1. She's always generous. When my laptop got stolen she immediately ran downstairs to grab hers to let me use. She didn't spend a second thinking about herself. She always manages to buy me little presents and surprises. She is always thinking of others!

2. She can forgive quicker than anyone I know. She always teaches me to forgive others that have wronged us. She has a really hard time holding a grudge.

3. She always sees the good in people. Lindsey is constantly building people up. She always knows how to spin the circumstance to see the other person's side, and always helps me to see past others' flaws.

4. She has the best sense of humor! Linds can ALWAYS make me laugh. She's witty, sarcastic, and can quote old movies with the best of them.

5. She is organized. I love this about her. Seriously. My little sister is definitely blessed in the ways of organization (she gets that from our Momma!).

6. She has a heart for Jesus. She loves Jesus with her whole heart. I love watching her strive to serve him and to grow closer to him.

7. She is incredibly smart. I'm talking currently has a 4.0 smart. It's kind of ridiculous, really.

8. She has a gorgeous sense of style. She always looks so pulled together and pretty. She is one of those people who is 100% pure gorgeousness and doesn't even realize it.

9. She doesn't waste her time dating around. She doesn't date just to date. If she doesn't like a guy with her whole heart, she doesn't lead them on. She has such an honest heart.

10. She knows when to put me in my place. The kid isn't afraid to stand up to me. She isn't ever going to hold back when she knows I need to hear something. I'm thankful for that.

11. She's the little sister, but somehow ended up being my role model. How did she manage to spin that? I look up to her in so many things!

12. She loves Disney just as much as I do.

13. She would always let me be the princess... or maybe I just made her let me? When we were little we'd always make believe. Somehow I always talked her into letting me be Ariel and she got to be flounder. Poor kid.

14. She lets me steal her clothes.

15. She is my best friend. They always say a sister is your first best friend, and that's definitely true for us.

16. She loves serving others. She works at a camp, so definitely gets to use this talent a lot.

17. She goes where God leads her to go. In fact, that kiddo is moving back to camp tomorrow. I have a hard time with her being so far away. It's hard not to be able to see her as often. I'm thankful that she doesn't strive to make me happy, though. She is always following whatever path God lays out for her.

18. She has an incredible singing voice. It literally stops me in my tracks every time I hear her sing. That kid is so talented!

19. She knows when to listen and when to give advice. It's hard to find people that will listen so willingly!

20. She always reminds me to update my blog. If I get behind, I can assure you a text or phone call will be coming my way from my little sister. Ha!

21. She's just plain lovable. She takes a little time to get to know, but she is so, so worth it. I honestly feel for those who haven't been able to get to know her, because she is such a blessing in my life. 

I love you, Lindsey! Thank you for being you. God gave me the ultimate gift when he gave me you as a little sister!

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful photos. Happy birthday to your little sister!
