
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hello, 2014! I'm ready for you.

Well, hello there! It's been a while. There has been more excitement in the last month than I can handle. For one... we bought our dream home! :) As you may remember, we previously had our offer accepted on a house that ended up being a maintenance nightmare. It was old, in bad shape, and not in the greatest area. God definitely rewarded our patience and willingness to step away from that. We ended up getting a gorgeous 2 story home in our price range! It was incredible to watch this all play out. I found the home on Zillow, but it was a lot more than we were willing to spend. I jokingly asked my realtor if we could just low ball on this one since I would be happy living there forever. He texted back and let me know that the realtor selling that house actually sits next to him. Not only that, but the home was bank owned so he knew they'd be willing to take a lower offer. The other realtor was out of the office for two weeks, so I hadn't heard anything back for a while. My husband randomly encouraged me to bring it back up and the next day our realtor friend said "let's go look at it!" Everything fell into place. Even the other realtor helped encourage the bank to accept our offer. It was an awesome situation. It's so much better than we ever could have dreamed! I can't wait to raise our baby here. It has four bedrooms, and 3 bathrooms. My favorite part? It has TWO walk in closets in the master bedroom! EEK!

2 more months until Baby L is here! :) He will be full term in 6 weeks! AH! We have nothing ready, so hopefully he stays put! I can't wait to meet the little guy.

The bump definitely makes me laugh. I will wake up one morning and hardly look pregnant, and the next I'll feel huge! It all depends on how he is sitting that day. So weird to watch! I'm still not having any cravings. I'm feeling pretty good aside from back pain! I have to admit, I'm definitely ready to have my body back. It's so discouraging trying to get ready and feeling so large. My confidence level hasn't been very high. I have to keep focusing on the fact that my body is doing an extremely beautiful thing even if I don't feel attractive at all. It's been an odd experience, but I've admittedly always had body image issues. I'm almost to the end of this pregnancy, so thankful for that. If you see me in person, just try not to point out of the fact that I look like a cow. Ha!

Christmas and my birthday are within 9 days of each other, so I always feel so spoiled this time of year! My birthday was a bit of an odd one. My poor husband forgot all about it. Ha! I'm pretty sure I will tease him about that one for the rest of his life. I spent the whole day in the hospital for appointments and an ultrasound. Definitely not the most exciting birthday, but at least I got to see the baby! :) I was truly spoiled by my family. My mom, sister, and grandpa all went in on a kitchenaid mixer for me! I cannot wait to use it. I've wanted one forever! I plan on painting it a fun color (aka pink!) to make it unique. Maybe Even adding in some gold chevron accents? Or a monogram? Can't wait to play with this! I was overwhelmed with Christmas presents. So, so blessed! Everything I received I loved. I got lots of great new goodies for the new house. Joe's mom even got me my first coach bag! I received enough gift cards that I might be able to buy the iPad I've been wanting for years. 

Through all the excitement of the last few months, we also lost my husband's amazing, witty grandmother. We celebrated her life on Saturday, and she will definitely be missed! I'm thankful for the time I got to know her and spend with her. 

I hope you all have a wonderful New Year! Here's to making it the best year yet. :) 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A roller coaster ride

Where do I even begin with the last few weeks? I feel like we've been on a roller coaster ride. A few weeks ago we finally found a home! It was such an exciting moment to start signing that paperwork. It wasn't my dream house by any means, but I was just excited to finally have a place to start nesting. We were all set and approved, that is, until the inspection took place. I've never been so thankful for my handy grandpa, uncle, and mom as I was then. They looked over the inspection papers and told me to get out of it as soon as possible. The house was a giant money pit. Everything needed to be changed... including all the electrical. I've learned more terms about house problems than I ever knew existed before in the last two weeks. We lost out on some money from backing away, but I'm so thankful that we were able to get out before we were permanently stuck with it. So, we've started the whole process again. This time I feel more prepared and know what to look for. It's been a little disheartening with our baby so close to coming into the world, but I'm thankful for our little one bedroom apartment and a roof over our heads.

For Thanksgiving, we took nearly a week to visit my husband's family at the other side of the state. Unfortunately, every annoying pregnancy symptom in the world decided to show up for me while I was there. It was a rough week! I'm so thankful for the time we got to spend with his family, even if a lot of my time was spent on the couch or in bed. I'm still experiencing some painful symptoms now, and have been working from home for the last few days. I'm praying that the rest of this pregnancy will fly by and I will get some relief! I'm thankful that I get the chance to experience the miracle of life, but it's definitely not the most enjoyable experience health wise. Ha! I've been so grateful for Joe lately. He has been taking care of me every day, and is constantly putting my needs before his own. He has made Walgreens runs for medicine, held me until while I couldn't sleep, and encouraged me when I felt the worst. I think he's going to be an excellent daddy. :) I'm more blessed than I know.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

25 Weeks! Bumpdate

How Far Along?  25 weeks and 2 days
Size of the Baby?  Papaya (getting big!) 
Maternity Clothes? Sort of! I bought a pair of jeans and a shirt, but that's it. Most of my clothes still fit, so I'm waiting to buy until I have to. 
Stretch Marks?  I've found some small ones. :( Bummer!
Gender?  Baby boy! 
Name? Yes! I'll be announcing this soon. 
Sleep? Sleeping well! Getting up sometimes for the bathroom, but nothing too awful. 
Cravings? Not really. I do like fries and fruit; however, nothing that I need to satisfy immediately. 
What I Miss? Feeling skinny. Ha! It's hard to get used to this bump.  
Symptoms? Nothing too notable right now. 
Movement?  Tons! The doctor said I have an anterior placenta so I won't feel kicks as hard as some, and that surprised me since I feel so much! :) He is such an active kiddo!
Belly Button?  In!
Morning Sickness? This has been one of the best parts about the last few weeks... my morning sickness is pretty much gone! I haven't thrown up! I still have some moments where I feel nauseous, but nothing bad at all. 
Weight Gain? I'm sure now that the throwing up is over I probably have. :) At my last appointment I had only gained 3 pounds the whole pregnancy. I'm guessing my next one will be different! Ha!
Best MomentJoe can finally feel the kicks! It's so fun to be able to "share" this with him. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Deer Season? More like "Coach's Wife" Season

Ah, it has returned. Basketball training is in full force for my varsity-coach hubby. I suppose I'll see him again sometime in the spring! ;) It's a bit surreal thinking that at the end of this season, we will be preparing for labor and our little prince to arrive.

So much is going to change! Exciting changes, but a bit nerve wracking. In the next three months we will be (Lord willing) putting an offer in on a house, going through basketball season, living it up through out last childless holiday season, and having a BABY! Everything just seems like a weird dream.

I'm so excited to experience everything with my husband. As silly as it sounds, we've bonded a lot throughout just the last year. Obviously I loved him enough before that to marry him, (ha!) but it seems like we've grown so much closer. I always had trouble with communication. I am not the most open book in the world, and it took a long time for me to try to explain to Joe exactly what was going through my head. I finally feel like I'm in a place where I can talk to him about anything. I still have my Anna-bubble moments, but being able to talk to him like a best friend has been nothing short of amazing. I'm thankful he puts up with my introvert ways. :)

In other news, I'm planning out a Peter Pan/Neverland themed nursery for our little guy. I can't tell you how excited I am about this! It is such a fun theme, and I hope I can pull it off! I would love to hear any ideas you have. I'm hoping to keep it subtle and whimsical with a nautical feel. This can totally work, right? ;) I've been having a tough time finding bedding I like, but I do like the comforter and bed skirt of this set from Target. I found navy blue anchor sheets from Babies R Us that I would use instead of the alligator ones. I'm hoping this works out like it does in my head. :)

I'm also debating cloth diapering. Maybe it's just because I've been throwing up for 6 months straight, but It's hard for me to fathom dealing with that. I am tempted to try it though. Hopefully someone out there has some encouragement on this! So far I love these by Charlie Banana.

I am also the proud new owner of an Ergo baby carrier! I found it on sale for $67, so am determined to give it a try. I've heard so many good things about these!

I'm loving everything by Aden + Anais. Their swaddles are so soft! I hope that their products are worth the higher price point. They seem like great quality. 

I can't believe we only have 2 weeks left until the Holiday craziness begins. My favorite time of year! My birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years all within a month! :) My favorite gingerbread candle is burning strong, and I've already played way too much Christmas music. So excited for the next couple weeks!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

House Hunting Woes & Preparing for the Tiny Bro

See this picture of my 4 year old self? House hunting gives me the same expression.

House hunting stinks. It is full on my worst enemy. We are in the process of searching for a house before baby boy gets here, and it just seems like the most impossible task around. The last 4 houses I loved sold while we were literally on our way to them. How does that even happen? Today I found one that was spectacular. I loved everything about it. It had only been on the market an hour when... kaboom. Gone. Sold. That marks 5.

Like... do people not have jobs? Do people just wait outside houses they like and run full speed ahead as soon as one goes on the market? Am I the only one who actually needs to tour a house before I spend my entire life savings on a down payment? Really... am I the crazy one?

The wild thing is, I live near Detroit. Yeah, that Detroit. There should be no way on this planet that houses in this area sell like hotcakes during rush hour. So now I'm at the point of pondering what this could mean. Is this God telling us that he's going to change our life plans? Is this his way of preventing us from settling when he has something bigger for us? I suppose this is the time where I need to just trust. That's a bit easier said than done. I need to trust that his plan is better than mine, and that he's got this under control. He's never out of control, so why do I stress?

I just want to feel settled. I want to have a home prepared for this baby. I want to spend time decorating a nursery. I want to "nest" and get everything in place. We can hardly fit our own stuff in our little 1 bedroom apartment in the shady part of town... so what will we do if the baby gets here before the house does? I know we will manage, but I want so badly to have a place that we can call ours.

The good thing about looking through 500 houses, is I've really narrowed down my necessities for a house. I've chosen a short list of things that are requirements for me and combined them with things my husband wants. They are simple. Very simple. Yet, so many houses don't even have one!

1. I want a garage. An attached garage is preferred. I don't know what's up with this area, but very few houses even have a garage. It might sound silly, but in Michigan we have the craziest weather ever. We only have one car... I want to protect that thing.

2. I want a fireplace. I don't care what kind, but it's something that I've always wanted. I know you can purchase fake ones, so that's always an option if we find one that we love without one.

3. Three or more bedrooms and 1.5 or more bathrooms. Again, I'm not looking for a mansion. I'm looking for something that can support a growing family.

4. A basement. Joe would love a finished basement, but even a normal one will do. Again, I've been through too many tornados in this crazy state not to have one.

5. Something that won't need a crazy load of maintenance. We are not handy people. Give me a hammer and I'll probably just hit you with it. (Okay, not really, but whatev.) I don't want to move into  a place that needs extensive remodeling to be livable.

6. Something that's not a little tiny box with walls. I don't need a mansion, but I would like something over 1300 square feet. I want to have space to have space. Does that make sense? One of the problems of our apartment is you can never escape each other. I love my husband to pieces, but sometimes I need my bubble.

7. Safe. I just want to be in a neighborhood where I feel comfortable letting our son out to play. 

See! That's it. I feel like my list is realistic. I don't need a 10 acre yard with a pool, or some 5000 sq ft mansion with a spiral staircase (but if you are offering....) I just want a simple home that we can raise an extremely awesome little boy in.

So, here goes another week of seeing what God's plan is for us. I would appreciate your prayers as we try to get this stuff figured out, and that I would be at peace with whatever we end up with. Here goes nothing! 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

It's A...

I'm going to let you in on a little secret... I've been so busy these last two weeks that I totally forgot about my blog! It wasn't until last night when my sister-in-law messaged me saying people would start getting worried if I didn't post that I remembered I had one. Haha! Oops!

I plan to talk about my gender reveal party on the next post. It was so much fun, and I'm so glad we chose to throw one. My Mom was amazing in putting it together. She worked so hard!
So what is Baby W?

Yay! I'm so excited, and incredibly nervous. I know diddly squat about boys. Like, nothing. I grew up with a sister.I'm hoping I'll catch on to things quickly. Please keep me in your prayers that God will prepare me to be a great Momma to a little guy.

I can't wait to meet you, baby! You are going to be so, so loved.

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Big Day!

Today is HUGE. Today is the day I've been waiting for since the day those two lines showed up on that pregnancy test. Today is the day I find out if my baby is a he or a she!
I surprisingly slept very well last night. I was expecting to not get a wink of shut eye with this big day on the horizon. I am, however, a giant bundle of nerves. My stomach is in a big knot, and I'm just downright nervous. I don't really know why. Maybe it's because I really want my first to be a girl because I don't know anything about boys. Maybe it's due to the fact that it makes everything so much more real. It still hasn't really clicked that I'm going to be a mom, so maybe this is what will make that happen. All of the "signs" point to a little girl, but for some reason I've psyched myself out to think it's a boy so that way there's no gender disappointment. Ha! I cannot believe that this is real life. I'm going to be a MOM. It's terrifying and exciting at the same time.

I found this fun list of different old wives tales on a forum. Here are my answers so far!

Heart Rate
If the baby’s heart rate is above 140 bpm, it is said that the baby will be a girl. If it is under 140 bpm, then it will be a boy.  Prediction outcome: GIRL (Always over 160 for us!)

Shape of Belly
If you are carrying high with a big, round belly, you are having a girl. If you are carrying low with a smaller belly that sticks straight out, it’s a boy. Prediction outcome: GIRL

If you have acne while pregnant, it’s a girl. It’s thought that acne during pregnancy is caused by the extra hormones. Prediction outcome: GIRL

People believe that if you are craving salty foods while pregnant, you can count on having a boy. If you crave sweets, fruit, and orange juice, you are having a little girl. Prediction outcome: GIRL

Chinese Gender Chart
The Chinese Gender Chart claims to have an accuracy rate of over 90%. It is based on how old the mother is at conception and the month that she conceived. Prediction outcome: GIRL

Mom’s Beauty
Basically you are having a girl if your beauty disappears during pregnancy. It is said that the girl “steals” the mother’s beauty. If you think that pregnancy has never made you look more beautiful, a little boy it is. Prediction outcome: GIRL

Dream of Sex of Baby
If you have dreams that you are having a boy, you will have a girl. If you dream about having a girl, it will be a boy. Dreams show the opposite of what you are having.  Prediction outcome: GIRL

Clumsy vs. Graceful
If the pregnant woman is graceful throughout her pregnancy, she’s having a girl. If she becomes clumsy, she’s having a boy.  Prediction outcome: GIRL (Somehow I've magically learned how to walk without tripping the last few months. It's been nice.)

Side You Most Rest On
If a pregnant woman prefers to lay on her left side, she’s having a boy. If she prefers resting on her right side, she’s having a girl. Prediction outcome: GIRL (All of the websites say you are supposed to lay on your left side, but I always end up flipping to my right no matter what.)

Dad’s Weight Gain
If the dad-to-be gains weight while you are pregnant, it’s a girl. If he doesn’t gain weight, you’re having a boy. Prediction outcome: BOY (My hubby never gains! haha!)

What Do You Think?
71% of the time, the mom-to-be knows what she is having. Prediction outcome: BOY

Morning Sickness
If you had a smooth pregnancy with no morning sickness, it’s a boy. If you were sick or felt really nauseous during your pregnancy, count on a girl. Prediction outcome: GIRL

Are your feet colder now that you are pregnant? If so, you just might be having a boy. If your feet have stayed the same before pregnancy and during, you’re having a little girl. Prediction outcome: GIRL

If you are having headaches, you might be carrying a boy. Prediction outcome: Both- My headaches lessened and became less severe (I used to have terrible migraines all the time) with this pregnancy. So I guess it could go either way.

Baby Names
It is said that when you can only think of specific names for a boy or a girl, you will have that particularly baby. Prediction outcome: Both. We have a name for each. :)

Baby's Side on Early Ultrasound 
If you are having a girl, the baby will be on the left side of the uterus during the 6-8 week ultrasound. If it's a boy, it will be on the right side. Prediction outcome: GIRL

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

18 Weeks= DONE! :)


Every week I'm absolutely shocked at how FAST this pregnancy is going. I'm one of the most impatient people in the world, so for it to be going this rapidly is incredible.

How Far Along? 18 weeks and 1 day!
Size of the Baby?  Bell Pepper
Maternity Clothes?
Not yet! Thankful for that, because they are crazy expensive!
Stretch Marks?  Nope! Crossing my fingers... and toes...
Gender?  We will know within the next week. I've never been so excited in my life.
Name?  I think we've settled on the first name for a boy or a girl.
Sleep? I've been sleeping through the night lately like a baby.
Cravings? My husband officially went on his first craving run this week. ;) I was in dire need of a baked potato and a frosty from Wendy's.
What I Miss?
Food... especially food that stays down.
Symptoms?  throwing up still and very sleepy
Movement?  I have been feeling super soft kicks. It is the most spectacular feeling ever. I even felt a little roll yesterday while in the car. :)
Belly Button?  In, but it looks weird. I feel like it will pop out by the end of this pregnancy. :(

Morning Sickness? Still pretty bad.  
Weight Gain? I will find out on Friday! I am guessing if I have, it won't be much since I'm still getting sick.
Best Moment? Feeling the first few tiny kicks. I am anxiously awaiting the day my hubby will be able to feel them too!

I still can't believe the gender scan will be done within a week! I'm in the middle of debating if I want to find out at the scan (my husband has to work) or wait until our gender reveal party the next week. Usually I would say yes right away to finding out at the party, but I'm also wanting to be able to see everything on the ultrasound. :) Choices, choices. 

This week I also opened up my first baby registry at Buy Buy Baby. That was overwhelming! It's amazing how much stuff there is out there for such little people. So, I would love your opinions on the must have baby items. Were you crazy about your Mamaroo? Was Sophie the Giraffe a necessity? What stroller did you love? 

 Have a wonderful week!  


Monday, September 16, 2013

2nd Trimester Fashion and Bumpdate

Pregnancy Update and Bump-date

I'm almost to the 16 week mark! I'm SO happy that this pregnancy is flying by so far. Only a few short weeks before I find out the gender of this sweet pea. I'm so ready for that appointment! I'm not exactly sure if I will find out at the appointment, or at the gender reveal party with everyone else. I know I'll probably be too excited to wait! :) Here's a quick bump-date for you:

How Far Along? Almost 16 weeks!
Size of the Baby?  Avocado
Maternity Clothes? At last I'm fitting back into my regular clothes! :) I don't even have to use the belly band anymore. The bloating has diminished, and I'm expecting the real bump to pop out any time now.

Stretch Marks?  Nope! Still hoping and praying! Thankfully, most of this comes down to genetics, and my mom did not have them.
Gender?  We are down to the 3 week mark to find out! I have been so tempted to pay for an early ultrasound!
Name?  We have a few that we really like. My husband cracks me up... after we watch a TV show he always goes through the names on the credits to see if any sound good with our last name. Haha!
Sleep? Still sleepy all the time. I wake up multiple times a night to use the restroom- oh, joy!
Cravings? The worst craving yet... chick fil a! And I live in Michigan...  which doesn't have one. Torture!
What I Miss? Sleeping through the night and not throwing up.

Symptoms?  Morning Sickness, headaches, sleepy, nightly bathroom breaks
Movement?  I'm pretty sure I've been feeling some flutters. It's so hard to tell since I'm not sure what I'm looking for.  
Belly Button?  In.  

Morning Sickness? Still pretty bad.  
Weight Gain? Nope! I've lost quite a bit, though!
Best Moment? My husband talking about how excited he is for this baby to get here. :) It melts my heart! 

Fall Maternity Fashion

I'm still in the weird phase of maternity where I'm starting to get a little bump, but I'm still way too small for maternity clothes. Thankfully fall weather has come on at full force in Michigan, so I've brought out the sweaters, blazers, and boots! The key to this point in the pregnancy is comfy-chic. My style tends to be fairly "preppy" and I love to incorporate equestrian inspired pieces to my closet. I try to wear looser items to conceal the belly. Dark pants are great right now as they help to create a slimmer look. I love American Eagle's Jeggings as they have a ton of stretch but still look pulled together.

Other Happenings...

1. PSI Bands- I tried these for Morning sickness and they didn't help me at all. Such a bummer because I've heard wonderful things! At least they are pink?

2. I finally am brave enough to park in the maternity parking spots at stores. Best invention ever! 

3. I saw the CUTEST baby boy clothes at Babies R Us. The little old man cardigan absolutely melted my heart. In my heart I'm absolutely dying for a little baby girl, so I've been trying to look at more boys things to get me excited if life goes that way instead. I feel so selfish for wanting a daughter, and I know I'd love a son JUST as much... I'm just trying to prepare myself so I can be excited no matter what. 

4. Look what's back! :) I was absolutely THRILLED when I saw this two-pack of Pumpkin Spice Creamer at SAM'S Club! 

Have a fantastic week everyone! I hope that this week brings lots of good memories and happiness to you.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Everybody Has Opinions

14 weeks of pregnancy down... 26 to go! I'm so glad that first trimester is far behind me. I'm still dealing with constant sickness, but I've learned that I'm a lot stronger than I give myself credit for! Due to losing 10 pounds since my last appointment, my doctor decided that it would be best if for a short while I try a combo of unisom and b6 to keep food in my stomach and out of the lovely porcelain bowl my face has become ever so familiar with. Today was the first time in months that I woke up without running to the bathroom. What a relief! Baby is growing and doing great! I heard the heartbeat yesterday for the first time. Such a beautiful, miraculous little sound! It's incredible to know that is happening inside my tummy.

The baby (bloat) bump is pretty much gone now. I'm guessing that's due to the crazy weight loss. Even odder was looking in the mirror the other day and feeling skinny! Not a feeling I expected to get while 14 weeks pregnant! :)

I saw this onesie a while ago on pinterest and originally thought "oh hey... that's kinda harsh." Now I can officially say, I agree! Oh my GOODNESS. Pregnancy brings out the crazy in people. Everyone has an opinion and a strict view on how things should be done. People can be downright mean. It doesn't help that my emotions are a bit out of my control right now. :) Today I sat at my little office cube crying because of others pushing their thoughts and desires for my child on me. Was crying an overreaction? Probably, but I so wish people knew when to mind their own. Chances are if i'm not actively asking for your opinion, I don't want it at this time. I know there will be moments when I come to others needing advice, and will gladly accept any forms of it then. I'm sure everyone has great intentions, but let us learn to make our own decisions for this baby. We want to learn through our own mistakes and successes. My sweet husband gave me the best advice ever, "we'll be ok, just don't let it get to you." I like him. I like him a lot. He's a lot more rational during times like that. Unfortunately things right now DO get to me. I'm already a bundle of nerves being a first time momma, and want to do everything right. 

On a more positive note, seeing ultrasound pictures of our little peanut makes me so incredibly excited! I cannot wait to snuggle this little baby. Only a few more weeks until we find out if it's a he or a she! 

Have a wonderful afternoon. :) 

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Pregnancy Announcement- Getting Creative

It took an obnoxiously long time for me to come up with the perfect pregnancy announcement for our friends and family. Every time I finally had a decent idea, I would find something I didn't like about it. I ended up being so pleased with how ours came together.

The announcement photo: 

We took a family camping trip with Joe's family to Lake Michigan. It was absolutely gorgeous, and we had some incredible views of the sunset! On our last evening there, I asked Joe's sisters to take a few "bump" shots of us in front of the lake. I loved how they turned out so much that it ended up inspiring the entire announcement! I decided to use a "movie poster" theme, and put the whole thing together on my iPhone. It turned out great! We had so many comments on how original it was and how great it turned out.

Baby Williams: The Movie

I had already recorded the reactions of our friends and family as they were told the news. I had planned on putting the videos together just as a keepsake, but with our movie poster announcement, I decided to go the extra mile and make a "movie" to go with it! It turned out so much better than I could have hoped! We had so much great feedback on the creativity of our annoucement!

The Facebook cover photo:

I knew I had to incorporate my extreme love of Disney somewhere into our big news... so I came up with this! I was pleased with the results! :)

 I would love to hear how you announced your pregnancy, or other great ones you have seen. I'm sure there are a lot more people out there much more creative than myself! :)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

First Bump Date!

Oh goodness... I look like a BALLOON in this picture! It's definitely taking time for me to get used to these weird things happening to my body. 

How Far Along?  12 Weeks (In this picture) I will be 13 tomorrow!
Size of the Baby?  Plum
Maternity Clothes?  I am wearing a maternity dress in this picture. It is so much more comfortable then fitting my bloated self in regular clothes. 
Stretch Marks?  No. Thank goodness! Praying that they will stay away from this tummy!
Gender?  Only a few more weeks! I'm hoping for a little girl! :) 
Name?  Not yet, but my hubby brought home a book of 700 baby names to read last night. He's excited!
Sleep? I am exhausted all the time and love sleeping. It's hard to get comfortable, because I wake up all the time to go to the bathroom. 
Cravings?  Blueberries and popsicles! Also had a cider mill donut today... YUM.
What I Miss?  Going through a whole day without throwing up.    
Symptoms?  Morning Sickness (aka all day long sickness) to the max; bloated; migraines; sleepy
Movement?  Not yet! I thought I felt a flutter the other day, but I'm still not sure.   
Belly Button?  In.
Morning Sickness? Ugh. The worst. I threw up 10 times within 15 minutes the other day! 
Weight Gain? I actually lost 8 pounds the first trimester! 
Best Moment?  Seeing peanut move around and squirm at the 11 week ultrasound. Also, we announced to our families and friends this week!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I Am Back... And It's Time To Spill The Beans

I've been avoiding this blog for a while. It's been months since I've consistently posted... and there's a reason for that; A big reason actually. I'm good at keeping everyone's secrets but my own. It takes some pretty drastic measures for me to not talk about what I'm feeling or going through. I'm so excited to finally be back as this blog is taking a drastic change... are you ready for this?

I'm pregnant! I'm still in shock. I'm still in awe every single time we go to an appointment and they tell us little peanut is doing well and growing. I can't believe that I'll be 13 weeks on Friday. I feel so incredibly blessed! I can't wait to share all of the details on here and try to remember every little thing I'm experiencing through these next few months. I appreciate your prayers, well wishes, and kind words as I start this new journey.

Join me tomorrow for my first "bump" update! I am so thrilled!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Life Lately

I got a little off track with my NYC updates, wouldn't you say? :) My life has been too busy to record. There are many exciting things happening! Joe and I have begun the big house search... it's so terrifying! I'm so nervous about committing to a place, but excited to finally be out of this apartment. It will be awesome to have a space to make my own... and PAINT! I can't wait to have something other than boring white walls. ;)

Last month Joe and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary. It has flown by so fast! I have fallen in love with him all over again these last few months. I can't even begin to tell you how thankful I am for that man! He's everything I needed that I didn't know I wanted. We have definitely come a long way in our marriage and relationship. He makes me want to be a better person in every way. Plus... he's kinda handsome, so that doesn't hurt his case either. ;) I'm so excited for my future with this man! Here's a little video clip to look back on our special day.

For the fourth of July I went up with my Mom on a mini-vacation to visit my sister at the camp she works at. We had such a good time! My sister is such a motivated person. It was awesome watching her in action! 

I also had my dance recital with my old company. I cannot say enough good about this place. If you live in Michigan and need a company for your kids, I definitely recommend MGM Dance. It's a studio with the perfect mix of professionalism and family. I am so proud to be part of it! 

Have a fantastic rest of the week! Here's to staying in better touch with everyone! :) 


Saturday, May 25, 2013

New York City Trip- Day 2 in Pictures

Day two of our trip began with Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum. That place was amazing! My favorite was Taylor Lautner. So funny to take pictures with him!

After the wax museum we headed to the NBC Studios to get a tour. As I walked up the stairs I noticed someone very familiar being interviewed in the cafe area. It took me a minute to process that Trace Adkins was sitting right in front of me! It took even longer to process that this was an actual celebrity and not another wax one. Ha! There was hardly anyone up there, so I asked for a picture after. So cool! Penn Jillette and Trace gave us their ice cream after. So good!

It was awesome to see the SNL studios in person. No pictures were allowed, but I wish I could have captured how small that room is in person. They even told us that the celebrities are actually in a 4x6 wooden box behind that famous door they run out of at the beginning. I literally was shocked that so much can happen in such a small stage. 

After the NBC building we headed over to take a speed boat ride to see Lady Liberty. The statue and island are closed right now for repairs, but we were able to get pretty close. 

Another cool tidbit from the day, we found a DC Cupcakes location! It was the best cupcake I've ever had! Coincidentally, we decided to go just after touring the Body Museum (so, so gross.) It was well worth it though! 

To finish off our day, we had dinner at Planet Hollywood, and went to see the views from the Top of the Rock! The views were yet again, breathtaking. 

I hope you all have a fantastic memorial day weekend! So thankful for those that have served our country! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

NYC! Trip Recap Part 1

Guys- I'm in love with a city. NYC is probably one of the most colorful, exciting, fascinating places I've ever been. Last time I was in the city was after winning singing contest. I didn't get the chance to explore much, because I was so busy prepping to perform in front of some big time casting directors. Although it was a fabulous experience, I'm so glad I finally got the chance to see the city.

First things first- If you go to the city, buy one of the New York Passes. I cannot say enough good about this. It easily paid for itself after the first day, and it got us into EVERYTHING. Another tip: Buy a week long subway pass. You get unlimited rides for a little over $30. For a girl not from the city, this seemed a little steep at first, but it was well worth it.

We started our day off with a trip the the Empire State Building! We enjoyed the Skyride (all of this was covered by our pass!) and after started to take the extraordinarily fast elevators to the tip top of the building. Here's a little tidbit for you- My husband is absolutely terrified of heights. I tried to make him hold my hand when a worker, fondly known as Renita, shooed away my hand thinking I was part of the high school group. "Leave Joe ALONE!" She exclaimed. She then proceeded to whisk my husband away with a hand around his waste and another holding his hand tightly. The cougar. ;) She ushered him through the crowds and gave him a personal tour of the building. It was hilarious! Naturally, I stalked them the whole time snapping pictures. The view was breathtaking. It was a great start to our trip because it allowed us to see how the city was laid out.

After stealing my husband back from the warm embrace of Renita, we left the ESB to use our passes for a bike rental. We biked around that city like you wouldn't believe. It was terrifying. At one point, I was far behind the group. I was in the middle of an extremely busy intersection when I realized I was peddling and going no where. My. Chain. Fell. Off. Awesome. Finally, my husband came back for me and realized what happened and laughed like crazy. The bikes definitely were a great way to explore. We saw so many different places!

We ended our day at Times Square. I asked a police officer: "Where's Times Square?" He gave me the funniest look and said "...You're right in the middle of it." HA! We took lots of pictures, then walked around Manhattan for the night. It was a great start to the exciting trip.

Up tomorrow, I will talk all about my first celebrity encounter! You won't want to miss it! :)