
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Maternity Leave and Liam's 2nd Month.

My boys! :) Liam is getting so big!

Maternity Leave- A Time Too Short

I've officially been back to work for a week. A whole week spending hours away from my boy. Can I admit something? It's hard. Much harder than I could have imagined, and much harder that I ever anticipated. I had always planned on going back to work after maternity leave. It seemed like the only option financially, and I love being able to contribute to my families finances. Now, I am admittedly not sure about that decision. I am with my little one only 15-20% of his waking hours. Crazy, right? I thought I could do it all... full time work and be an excellent momma when I am home; however, I'm quickly realizing that my little family is getting my leftovers. I put a lot of time and energy into my job. I strive to do my best with the multiple projects I handle. By the time I get home, I'm exhausted. I have to make dinner, nurse the baby, and try to spend as much time with him as possible before his bedtime. Then I am trying like crazy to shower and get ready for the next work day, catch up on housework, do laundry, and be a good wife to my sweet hubby. So many women do this every day, and I have to say... I'm impressed. I know for a fact that I struggle to juggle (haha rhyme!) it all. It makes me sad that what my son and husband get at the end of the day is the exhausted version of me. I wish I could give them more! 

Liam's Updates 

Liam is getting so big lately! He's officially 3 months old! I realized I forgot to put up his Month 2 photo, so here it is! He started "talking" to us this month with the cutest little baby babble. I love hearing his coos and seeing that goofy grin of his! He is a very active little guy, and loves playing on his playmat... mostly to look at himself in the attached mirror. The boy thinks his reflection is pretty awesome. ;) Ha! 

The New House

I am so thankful for our home! We have definitely been blessed. I had HUGE plans during maternity leave to get a ton of projects done around the house, buuuuut let's just say I got a little distracted by the super cute baby in my arms, and accomplished a big fat nothing on my list. ;) I don't regret it a single bit. I loved soaking up every single moment with my little! My mom came to stay with me a week ago, and tore up the whole front garden to start a new one. She is AMAZING. The house was a foreclosure, so it was just a mess of overgrown weeds. There was nothing attractive about it. Now I finally can look at it without wincing. ;) 

Sherwin Williams had their paints 40% off recently, so we bought a five-gallon bucket to paint the entire downstairs. So excited! I had them color match Benjamin Moore's Rockport Gray. It's an AWESOME greige color that looks great with pretty much everything. Now I'm just waiting for the time to actually put that paint on the walls. Ha! The previous owners definitely liked color... from the kitchen, you can see over 6 different colors on the walls. Ai yi yi! Needless to say, I'll be a little more comfortable once the new paint goes up. 

I am very thankful for this life. As difficult as it is balancing everything, God is so good to us. We are blessed.