I found these adorable charger stickers on the website forchicsake. Isn't it precious? My monogram obsession lives on!
Forchicsake also had these awesome printable bookmarks. SUPER cute.
The other pinterest project- Pantry makeover. I printed out all of these adorable labels from The Social Home blog and adjusted them to fit the labels I already owned. It made my pantry look so cute! I have very limited cupboard space in the apartment, so this was a nice way to store all of my ingredients.
In other news, my adorable cocker spaniel, Jewell, isn't doing well. I love this little cupcake so much, so please pray that her passing isn't painful! Jewell is my first and only pet, so this is definitely not an easy experience to go through. The poor little thing is in the last stages of congestive heart failure. She has brought so much joy into our lives for the past 15 years! I'm thankful for all the memories she has given us.
This weekend is my old high school's homecoming game. I'm so excited to reunite with old friends and cheer those bobcats on! I've been extra sentimental lately, so definitely excited for this chance to see the people I grew up with.